Saturday, September 18, 2010


Love those friends where you can go years, months, and weeks without talking to 'em, and when you finally hang out, you just pick right back up where you left off. This is always how its been with my good friend Ellie, first it was 3 years, then 6months, then a year, and then a few months, and we are still as good of friends as ever! LOL. She is moving to Omaha Nebraska in a week, and I'm so excited for the adventure that her and her little family have ahead of them. We are so lucky to have them as our friends and we just want to let them know we will miss them! BUT I know we will always be good friends, no matter where the wind blows us!

We had a little goodbye dinner play-date at the park with us and our two little ones who are only a month apart! Little Ace is such a joy... I got a pic of them kissin' each other, but dad refuses to let me put it up! lol, I 'll send it to her, and she can be the one to show u guys ;) lol! Love you Farfan Family! We will miss u guys!!


Rachelle said...

those are the best kinds of friends. i love that. adorable pictures! you are soo talented at soo many things. come visit soon! we love you!

Sus- said...

Way cute pictures...