Saturday, June 12, 2010

not what we expected...

We're moving next weekend into another townhome down the street about 250 dollars cheaper than what we are in now. This was totally unexpected but these last few weeks, Kel and I have been debating about what the best choice is for our little family. After struggling for seven long months, my stepdad finally got a job in SLC. I'm sad for what this means for me (no more family down the street, no more babysitter, no more dropping by when we're bored, no more calling for a close helping hand, no more going to church with them, and saddest of all, no more seeing them whenever we want) but I'm so happy for what it means for them (no more struggling, no more....uh thats all I can think of:)) hahaha. I'm so saddd! My mom first lived in Vegas, then moved down here to St. George when she found out I was expecting Jaida. My step dad has been the one to sacrifice the most out of their desicion to move down here with having to drive to and from Las Vegas everyday for work. Thats a three and a half hour drive round trip just to say the least. Just so they could be here for Jaida. They are the best ever, and have been so loving to Jaida. I can't believe they are leaving. After two years of them living here, I wish I would have taken more time to do stuff with them. Take advantage of having your family close by, don't wait til they are gone to realize how furtunate you are to have them close.
Thank you for putting me and my family in your priorities. I'm so thankful for your descion you made to move out here to be closer to us. I can't believe how these past two years have strengthen our relationship more then ever before. I have never loved and appreciated you more than I do now. You have taught me to be a better person in ways that you don't never know. I'm sorry for not taking better advantage of you being so close. Just know that we will NEVER forget the love and compassion that you and Eric have shown for Jaida. I have never seen a love so deep and I hope that one day I can show that same love for my grandkids. I love you guys!

After all that happened, we decided to back out of buying that house, that was a steet over from where my mom lived, and to downsize into a cheaper townhome, being that I'm going to start nursing school soon and won't be able to work as much. But we decided that when the time and oppertunity is right (hopefully sooner than later) we will move back to Salt Lake to be with our family. Because in the end, thats all that matters...

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