Tuesday, October 26, 2010

carving pumpkins...

Last night we carved our Halloween pumpkins, and it felt like a first, we did it last year, but Jaida was too small to remember... she kept pointing at them and saying, "BALL!" hahaha. She didn't want to call them pumpkins, balls was what they were. When we opened up the first pumpkin top, Jaida couldn't help but taste the insides, the look on her face was priceless. Shes so dang curious! Once we finished our pumpkins we put candles in them and turned out the lights, and Jaida was terrified! hahaha. She likes pumpkins better when the lights are on:)When we were little my mom had us carve pumpkins every year, and I love passing on the tradition.

You can't keep anything out of her hands!

Happy Carving everyone!


pwincessdi said...

those are some awesome pumpkins. Surprsingly my kids haven't asked me for pumpkins this year! But if they do, then we'll go get some. I love it, but if the kids don't ask, then I won't push it lol...talk about lazy huh! ahah anyways I wish you guys recorded Jaida freakin out when you turned the lights out ahaha

MARCIA said...

OMG your pumpkins are so cool! You and Kel looked are serious and focused in your pictures..haha. I wish I had the patience to carve pumpkins, especially with my kids. Maybe next year. Good job!